Handy Snippets

The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, Queen of France ca. 1324–28 Jean Pucelle, Folios 94v-95r, The Resurrection, Met Museum

Working with the legendary Psalm Tone Tool I find these bits of text handy.

Here’s the couplet that replaces the Glória Patri in the Office of the Dead:

Réquiem aetérnam * dona eis Dómine.
Et lux perpétua * lúceat eis.

And here is the gabc for the two different tones for reciting the Psalms for the Little Hours:

Lauda Anima - Direct Tone
hr g f 'h hr h.
hr 'h fr f.

Following Tone - Ad Libitum
f gh hr 'g fr f.
hr f 'g gr g.
Veronica Brandt
Veronica Brandt
Technician and Tutor

My research interests include Gregorian chant, knitting, constructing long skirts with pockets and taking over the world.